Monday, October 6, 2014

Home again

After three weeks of visiting with family and friends in OH, PA, and SC we arrived home on Thursday, October 2.

During our visit to son Dan's in Uniontown, OH we got involved in cutting down some trees in their back yard. They needed more sunlight on the new pool. Well, Dan got more involved than me. I just helped clean up the cut up branches. Son Dan is cutting branches on top and Dan is holding the ladder.

 We also enjoyed the company of many good friends from Pennsylvania. The weather turned cold, and we were grateful that we were heading to warmer temperatures.

Our time in Myrtle Beach, SC flew by. In addition to walks on the beach and quality time visiting with Donna, we were able to catch grandson Chris perform with his band. Since he plays the tuba and in 6 ft 3 in, he was easy to spot in the center of this picture.

Then we traveled to Beaufort, SC where our son Doug moved after his retirement from the Navy. We enjoyed exploring that new area and found it delightful. His two youngest children performed at a band competition nearby while we were there. They were very impressive and took second place in their division. We weren't able to get a picture of Cheyenne playing the clarinet, but this is Daimen with his trumpet.

Of course we are proud of all the grand kids!

Since we are fond of lighthouses we toured the Hunting Beach State Park  and climbed the 176 steps to the top. In addition to being the only lighthouse in SC that is open for climbing, it is very well preserved, and the scenes of the ocean from the top were beautiful.

Another interesting spot we visited was the Marine Museum at Parris Island which is south of Beaufort. It included 10,000 square feet of exhibit space on two floors. We were both impressed with all the displays of the history of the Marines, South Carolina, and wars beginning in 1663.

On our last night of the trip, which was Dan's birthday, we had a wonderful dinner with our nephew and his family at his restaurant in the area. It was followed by birthday cake at Doug's made by Mary, our grand daughter. What a happy way to end the trip!

This year we logged 2628 miles on the RV compared to over 6000 last year. The sights in Eastern Tennessee were quite different than Yellowstone National Park, but we enjoyed the experience of meeting many friendly people and exploring a new area.

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