Saturday, September 13, 2014

On the road again

We completed our contract with Dollywood on Saturday, September 6. On Sunday we took the opportunity to see the fall decorations at the park. Unfortunately we will miss the Gospel and Harvest Festival which takes place later in September. Here are a few of the cute sights.

We also viewed an entertaining musical program of country music

and had a meal at Miss Lillian's Chicken Buffet, a place that we never go around to during previous visits.

On Monday we turned in our costumes, ID cards, name tags, and car passes. That made our exit for the season official. We are on the "rehire" list and should receive a letter in December asking if we want to return. We both agree that it would be a good idea.

We finished packing up and left for Ohio on Tuesday. We will spend a week here with our son and then travel south to South Carolina to visit the other two kids and five grand kids. We should be home in early October.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Zip lining through Tennessee mountains

Throughout the summer the hosts where I work at River Battle had a secret pals who surprised each other with little treats and cards. On the last day I was astonished to find an envelope with two passes for a day of zip lining at Foxfire Mountain. My secret pal's husband works there and was able to acquire them for us. Needless to say I was excited to take advantage of this unexpected adventure.

Since we had only zipped once before we chose the Scenic Canopy Tour which was described as "a beginner course of 7 world-class zip lines." The first zip was designed to get us used to the feel of it. There were eight in our group who took turns. The guide began by show us what we could do if we wanted.

This is Dan's first zip with me watching.

Then I took off.

Dan is in the distance waiting for me.

We zipped three times and then took a ride up the mountain to continue the course. The longest zip was 1500 feet and was quite thrilling. Although we felt very safe, neither one of us was brave enough to do a flip. Here is Dan returning on the last zip.

He made it!

Here's my last zip. The way the equipment was designed made it quite comfortable and secure.

I made it too!

After the zip lining experience we enjoyed a delicious pulled pork lunch straight from their smoker. Notice the flying pig above the food shack.

The grounds proved to be an interesting place to take a walk. There was a cute little museum,

a privy,

a Make A Wish wishing well,

and America's Bridge to Prosperity,

Before crossing the longest swinging bridge in the US we wrote a wish on colorful a strip of paper. We carried it across the bridge

to the other side

and hung it with the others at the Whispering Winds covered bridge.

We did not attempt the rock climbing wall.

We also skipped the hiking trails at this 150 acre Adventure Park  because it was getting hot and buggy. Although we did not take advantage of all that was available we enjoyed the experience immensely.